In Vivo Pharmacokinetics Study Services

In Vivo Pharmacokinetics Study Services

In vivo pharmacokinetics study services play a key role in advancing drug development for immune diseases and understanding how drugs behave in living organisms. Our company is at the forefront of providing comprehensive and reliable in vivo pharmacokinetics study services. By leveraging our expertise and state-of-the-art techniques, we provide invaluable data to guide decision-making in drug development, ensuring safe and effective therapies.

Introduction to In Vivo Pharmacokinetics

In vivo pharmacokinetics study is a fundamental aspect of drug development that investigates the fate of a drug within a living organism. It encompasses the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) processes that influence the drug's concentration and duration of action in the body. By comprehensively understanding these parameters, researchers can optimize drug dosing, assess drug safety, and predict drug interactions.

PK/PD CIA progression model study of a compound in rats.Fig.1 Schematic representation of a proposed PK/PD CIA progression model in rats for a compound. (Świerczek A., et al., 2022)

In Vivo Pharmacokinetics Study for Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation

Autoimmune diseases and inflammation pose significant challenges in drug development. The complex pathophysiology and unique immune responses necessitate a thorough understanding of how drugs interact with the immune system and their pharmacokinetic properties in such conditions. In vivo pharmacokinetics studies tailored to autoimmune diseases and inflammation offer valuable insights for the development of targeted therapies.

  • Optimizing Drug Absorption in Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation

    In autoimmune diseases and inflammation, the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract may be compromised, potentially affecting drug absorption. In vivo pharmacokinetics studies focus on evaluating the oral bioavailability of drugs in disease models, considering factors such as altered gastrointestinal permeability, pH changes, and the presence of inflammatory mediators.
  • Investigating Altered Drug Metabolism in Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation

    Autoimmune diseases and inflammation can lead to altered drug metabolism due to changes in enzyme activity and expression levels. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies utilize advanced techniques such as mass spectrometry and radiolabeling to study drug metabolism in disease models. By identifying specific enzymes involved in drug metabolism, it can help optimize dosage, minimize the risk of drug toxicity, and maximize therapeutic effects.
  • Assessing Drug Distribution to Inflamed Tissues

    Inflammation is characterized by increased blood flow and alterations in vascular permeability, which can influence drug distribution to target tissues. In vivo pharmacokinetics studies employ imaging techniques and molecular probes to track the distribution of drugs in real time. This enables researchers to assess the accumulation of drugs in inflamed tissues and evaluate their potential efficacy in targeting specific immune cells or modulating inflammatory processes.
  • Understanding the Impact of Inflammation on Drug Excretion

    Inflammatory processes can affect drug excretion pathways, potentially leading to altered drug clearance and accumulation. In vivo pharmacokinetics studies focus on evaluating drug excretion in disease models, considering the impact of inflammation on renal and hepatic clearance. Elucidating the mechanisms of altered drug excretion can help optimize dosing regimens to ensure effective drug elimination while maintaining therapeutic drug levels.

Our Services

Our company specializes in offering comprehensive in vivo pharmacokinetics study services, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and a wealth of expertise to support drug development programs across autoimmune diseases and inflammation therapeutic areas.

Bioavailability Studies

Bioavailability studies are crucial for understanding how drugs are absorbed and available for systemic circulation. Our company offers comprehensive bioavailability studies that encompass a wide range of drug formulations, routes of administration, and factors influencing drug absorption.

Quantitative Tissue Distribution Studies

Our company provides quantitative tissue distribution studies that involve analyzing drug concentrations in multiple tissues over time. By quantifying drug levels in various organs, we gain insights into drug localization, tissue-specific accumulation, and potential drug interactions.

Metabolite Profiling and Identification Studies

Metabolism significantly influences drug efficacy, safety, and potential drug-drug interactions. By utilizing state-of-the-art analytical techniques, we accurately determine the structure, abundance, and pharmacological activity of metabolites.

Drug Excretion Studies

Drug excretion is a critical aspect of understanding how drugs are eliminated from the body. Our company provides a range of drug excretion studies to uncover the routes and rates of drug elimination. These studies include mass balance studies, biliary excretion studies, and investigations into enterohepatic circulation.

Why Choose Us?

Our company offers a wide variety of services that cater to the specific needs of drug development in various therapeutic areas, including autoimmune diseases and inflammation. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Świerczek A., et al. "Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of a new purine-2, 6-dione derivative in rodents with experimental autoimmune diseases." Pharmaceutics 14.5 (2022): 1090.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.