Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

Various therapeutic antibodies devised and employed for autoimmunity have been successful, compensating the unmet medical need for immunological disorders. Our company provides cutting-edge research services to help you develop highly specific antibodies and accelerate the therapeutic antibodies development in Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation.

Therapeutic Antibodies in Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation

Therapeutic antibodies are biopharmaceuticals that target appropriate targets in biological bodies, which have been successfully applied to control of inflammatory responses in preclinical models and cases with Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. Abnormally increased cytokines, B lymphocytes that produce excessive autoantibodies, and abnormally elevated T lymphocyte activity all lead to dysfunction of the immune system. Therefore, inflammatory cytokines, mediators and receptors have been acted as biomarkers for therapeutic targets.

Therapeutic Antibody Development Services-1 Fig.1 Cytokine network in systemic lupus erythematosus (Rojas M., et al., 2018)

To date, a variety of monoclonal antibodies against autoimmune diseases targeting some of the crucial cytokines have been approved around the world. Given that the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is not been adequately resolved, there are still vast exploratory possibilities for the development of therapeutic antibodies for more other types of Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation.

mAb Target Indication
Tocilizumab IL-6R Rheumatoid Arthritis
Vedolizumab α4β7 integrin Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease
Secukinumab IL-17α Psoriasis
Ixekizumab IL-17α Psoriasis
Reslizumab IL-5 Asthma
Brodalumab IL-17R Plaque Psoriasis
Sarilumab IL-6R Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sifalimumab IFN-α Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Tildrakizumab IL-23 p19 Plaque Psoriasis
Risankizumab IL-23 p19 Plaque Psoriasis
Itolizumab CD6 Lupus
Ocrelizumab CD20 Multiple Sclerosis

Therapeutic Antibody Development

Four main approaches have been used for the development of therapeutic antibodies. Mouse hybridoma technique fusing antibody-producing cells with immortalized myeloma cells is a conventional strategy to produce specific antibodies. The humanization of therapeutic antibodies is an important milestone in antibody drug development. Technologies for the generation of humanized and fully human antibodies based on phage display, transgenic mice and single B cell antibody isolation have been dramatically accelerated the process of treating Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation.

Therapeutic Antibody Development Services-2

Mouse Hybridoma, characterized by high specificity, high yield, heredity, scalability and customizability.

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Phage Display, advantages lying in high throughput of spanning, high efficiency and easy purification, as well screening of mimic epitopes.

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Transgenic Mouse, producing highly specific antibodies with high affinity, recognition ability against specific antigens, and customized flexibility.

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Single B Cell, a promising method for efficiently and rapidly collecting naïve and antigen-stimulated antibodies in vivo with a small number of cells.

Our Services

Therapeutic antibodies for inflammatory cytokines, mediators and receptors are drugs of next generation for the therapeutics of Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. We provide therapeutic antibodies development for these targets, including but not limited to:

With a comprehensive capacity for the preparation of therapeutic antibodies, we provide development services and products for a wide variety of antibodies, including monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies, etc

Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs)

Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs)

Polyclonal Antibodies (pAbs)

Polyclonal Antibodies (pAbs)

Bispecific Antibodies (BiAbs)

Bispecific Antibodies (BiAbs)

Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs)

Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs)

  • The Workflow of Therapeutic Antibodies Development

Target Discovery

Identification & Validation of Antigen

Antibody Generation

Phage display
B cells isolation

Lead Identification

High throughput screening
In vitro bioassay
Antibody sequencing

Antibody Optimization

Antibody sequencing
Affinity optimization
Developability improvement

Antibody Validation

In vivo function assay
In vivo safety / efficacy evaluation

Our advantages

Rigorous experimental operation and analysis

Rigorous experimental operation and analysis

Custom project design by professional immunologists

Custom project design by immunologists

High-level professional technical team

High-level professional technical team

Rapid trial turnaround time

Rapid trial turnaround time

With the participation of researchers from immunology and cell engineering biology, and successful antibody development experience from a large number of practices, our company is committed to providing you with professional services for the development of therapeutic antibodies for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Rojas, Manuel et al. "Cytokines and Inflammatory Mediators in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus." EMJ Rheumatology 5 (2018): 83-92.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.