Diagnostic Development Services

Diagnostic Development Services

Autoimmune diseases are often regarded as complex diseases due to their extremely complicated causes and symptoms. Therefore, the development of new diagnostic technologies for autoimmune diseases is considered to be very promising. Our company provides leading-edge research services and essential platforms to help you get ahead of the curve in the diagnostic development for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation.

Diagnostic Technologies for Autoimmune Diseases

Many autoimmune diseases have complex etiology, with atypical early symptoms, and the development of the disease is usually hidden. Therefore, the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases is characterized by a great possibility of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis, which also brings a great challenge to the development of autoimmune disease diagnostic technologies.

Schematic illustration of molecular mimicry associated with autoimmunityFig.1 Schematic illustration of molecular mimicry associated with autoimmunity (Trier N.M., et al., 2023)

  • In Vitro Diagnostics
    In the practice of in vitro diagnostics for autoimmune diseases, it is one of the most commonly used methods to detect disease-related biomarkers through samples from body fluids (blood, urine, etc.). For example, anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) test for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) test for rheumatoid arthritis, and C-reactive protein (CPR) test for inflammation.
  • Pathological Diagnostics
    Pathological diagnostics is one of the branches of autoimmune disease diagnostics methods, including histopathological diagnostics, cytopathological diagnostics, immunohistochemical pathological diagnostics and molecular pathological diagnostics. Pathological diagnostics is usually the final diagnostics of the disease in clinic, providing important information such as individualized medication, prognosis assessment, efficacy monitoring, early diagnostics and early screening. Skin histopathology biopsies, for example, can be used to diagnose skin-related autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis.
  • Imaging Diagnostics
    Imaging technology is also an important method in autoimmune diseases diagnostics, which can help diagnose and treat the disease by obtaining information about the body's internal organism through various imaging technologies. A variety of imaging technologies have been used in diagnostic imaging, such as X-ray imaging, which can be used to detect joint damage and bone density in rheumatoid arthritis, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can provide diagnostic images of soft tissues and joints for diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Our Services

Nowadays, the development of novel diagnostic technologies is an integral part of the field of basic disease research, but there is still a lack of development programs for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. Our company provides diagnostic development services with the support from multidisciplinary experts and utilization of various technological platforms, including but not limited as:

Biomarker Development Services

Biomarker Development Services

  • Genomics-based Biomarker Discovery
  • Transcriptomics-based Biomarker Discovery
  • Proteomics-based Biomarker Discovery
  • Metabolomics-based Biomarker Discovery

Biomarker Development Services

Diagnostic Kit Development Services

  • Biochemistry Diagnostic Kits
  • Immunodiagnostic Kits
  • Molecular Diagnostic kits

Our Advantages

Advanced Biotechnology

Advanced Biotechnology

Customizable Design

Customizable Design

Competitive Pricing

Competitive Pricing

Best After-sales Service

Best After-sales Service

Staffed by the researchers from cell engineering biology and immunology with extensive experience in the development of successful diagnostic development, our company is committed to providing you with professional services for the diagnostic development of Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Trier, Nicole Hartwig, and Gunnar Houen. "Antibody Cross-Reactivity in Auto-Immune Diseases." International journal of molecular sciences 24,17 (2023): 13609.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.