Target Identification Service

Target Identification Service

Target identification initiates the journey of drug development. On the way to identify a target, two types of approaches are applied to bridge the gap between drugs and diseases: target-based or phenotype-based approaches are available, according to different preconditions. Our company provides you with diverse approaches to speed up your drug development in Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation.

Target-based Approach

Target-based approach is a long-standing drug discovery strategy that relies on a deep understanding of biological targets and relevant knowledge accumulated from genetics and molecular biology. Within this conventional drug discovery scenario, the goal here is to screening drugs that target malfunctioned gene products or signaling pathways with known function in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

Phenotype-based Approach

Target identification can be performed when it is established that off-the-shelf drugs have positive effects on cell models or animal models associated with Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation, but their exact targets of action is undetermined yet. This approach is proved to have greater potential for successful translation in developing first-in-class drugs.

Target-based drug discovery versus phenotype-based drug discoveryFig.1 Target-based drug discovery versus phenotype-based drug discovery (Ha J., et al., 2021)

Target identification increases the chances of discovering novel drugs and also facilitates the uncovering of therapeutic mechanism. Target-based and phenotype-based strategies should complement each other, rather than exist in isolation, and jointly promote the accuracy and efficiency of drug development for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation.

Our Services

Target identification is the cornerstone of drug discovery and development. Our company provides you with experienced team and necessary resources to support the small molecule drugs development for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. Our services include but are not limited to:

Target-based Approach

We provide this strategy to screen the inhibitors and antagonists of various pro-inflammatory factors.

  • Enzymes Cyclooxygenases
    ROS-generating enzymes
  • Cytokines
    IL-6, IL-1α, IL-33, IL-17, IL-10, IL-8, TNFα, IFN-g…
  • Kinases JAKs, BTK, IRAK4, SYK, ITK, PI3Ks, RIPKs, and TPL2…

Phenotype-based Approach

We integrate the database, experimental technology and testing equipment as the foundation of target identification.

  • Computational Prediction
    Enquiring various bioinformatics datasets
  • Chemical-geneticEngineering
    Assessing the relationship between gene dose and drug reaction
  • Affinity-based Chromatography
    Purifying and examining certain components attaching to the drug.

With our mature and advantageous Affinity-based Chromatography Technology, we have successfully completed a variety of target identification projects by this classical phenotype-based strategy as the following workflow:

I. Sample

Cells or tissues

II. Lysate

Proteome extract

III. Binding

Drug-bead or drug-tag complex

IV. Pull-down

Beads or tags affinity purification

V. Analysis


Our Advantages

One-stop services with short cycle time

One-stop services with short cycle time

Professional team with customizable studies

Professional team with customizable studies

Timely stage reporting and whole process follow-up

Timely stage reporting and whole process follow-up

Serving clients worldwide

Serving clients worldwide

With a wealth of experience in small molecule drug development from plenty of customized projects, our company will help you make a comprehensive experimental blueprint, make sure that every intermediate result is reliable, and escort your experiments from start to end for autoimmune diseases and inflammation. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Ha, Jaeyoung et al. "Recent advances in identifying protein targets in drug discovery." Cell chemical biology 28,3 (2021): 394-423.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.