Toxicokinetics Evaluation

Toxicokinetics Evaluation

Preclinical evaluation for innovative drugs plays an essential role in predicting potential drug toxicity before they are first applied to humans. Our company provides leading-edge toxicokinetics evaluation services and essential platforms to help you get ahead of the curve in the therapeutics development for autoimmune diseases & inflammation.

Overview of Toxicokinetics

Toxicokinetics refers to the application of pharmacokinetic principles and methods to quantitatively study the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion processes and characteristics of drugs in animals at toxic doses. Toxicokinetics aims to explore the occurrence and development of drug toxicity, understand the distribution of drugs in animals and their target organs, and provide a basis for further toxicity tests.

Toxicokinetics Evaluation-1Fig.1 Direct link model vs. effect compartment link model (Ki S., 2020)

Study Models for Toxicokinetics

The compartment model is the classic pharmacokinetic study model. The compartmental model looks at the body as a system and divides the body into compartments based on differences in the in vivo processes and distribution rates of drugs within the system. The compartments do not represent specific anatomical tissues or organs, but rather tissues and organs with similar rates of drug transport are grouped into one compartment.

Toxicokinetics Evaluation-2One Compartment Model (OCM)

The one-compartment model assumes that the organism consists of one compartment. Drugs are rapidly and uniformly distributed to body fluids and tissues throughout the body upon entry into the organism, and dynamic equilibrium is rapidly achieved between the drug concentration in plasma and the drug concentration in tissues. The one-compartment model is the simplest atrial model, but in practice, only a few drugs conform to the characteristics of the one-compartment model.

Toxicokinetics Evaluation-3Two Compartment Model (TCM)

After the drug enters the body, for some tissues with abundant blood flow and good membrane permeability (such as heart, liver, lung and kidney), the drug can enter very quickly. However, for other parts of the body that have difficulty in blood perfusion (such as bones and fat), the drug takes more time to enter. Therefore, the two-compartment model divides the body into two compartments with different degrees of uniformity of drug distribution. The compartment with the faster rate of drug distribution is called the central compartment, and the compartment with the slower rate of drug distribution is called the peripheral compartment.

Our Services

With the development of molecular biology technology and its wide application in the medical field, it provides more and more choices and possibilities for the development of novel therapies for autoimmune diseases. Our company provides drug safety evaluation services with the support from multidisciplinary experts and utilization of various technological platforms, including but not limited as:

Dose Setting

Whole-body exposures can be used to evaluate the animal's load to the test substance and help to explain similarities and differences in toxicity between animal species, dose groups, and sexes. Dose setting for toxicity testing is determined primarily on the basis of toxicologic findings and pharmacodynamic responses of the test animals.

Determination of Metabolites

  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • Gas Chromatography (GC)
  • Enzyme-linked Immunoassay (ELISA)
  • Fluorescence Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (FQPCR)

Statistical Analysis of Toxicokinetics Data

  • Tmax
  • Cmax
  • Bioavailability (F)
  • Apparent Volume of Distribution (Vd)
  • Area Under the Curve (AUC)
  • Terminal Elimination Half-life (T 1/2)
  • Elimination Rate Constant (Kel)

Our Advantages

Extensive Experience
We have extensive experience in drug safety evaluation.

Advanced Technology
We have advanced laboratory facilities and technology platforms.

Toxicokinetics Evaluation-4

Customizable Solution
We can provide customized solutions based on specific project objectives.

Competitive Price
Our prices for quality services are highly competitive.

Staffed by experts in novel drug discovery and researchers engaged in pharmacology and toxicology with a solid foundation in preclinical safety evaluation of therapeutic drugs, our company is committed to providing you with professional services in the development of therapeutic drugs for Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammation. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Ki, Seunghee. "A semi-compartmental model describing the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship." Anesthesia and pain medicine 15,1 (2020): 1-7.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.