Autoimmune Orchitis

Autoimmune orchitis poses significant challenges in terms of male fertility and overall reproductive health. However, with our expertise and dedication to advancing drug and therapy development services, our company is at the forefront of combatting this condition.

Introduction to Autoimmune Orchitis

Autoimmune orchitis is an inflammatory condition characterized by the immune-mediated destruction of testicular tissue. It is a recognized cause of male infertility, affecting the function and viability of spermatozoa. The disruption of testicular immune privilege, which normally protects the testes from immune attack, plays a crucial role in triggering this condition. Factors such as infection, trauma, or inflammation can disrupt this delicate balance and initiate an autoimmune response. Autoantibodies, specifically anti-sperm antibodies (ASA), may also be present, further compromising sperm function and fertility.

A case of histopathological analysis of a testicular biopsy.Fig.1 Histopathology of testicular biopsies. (Amarilla M. S., et al., 2024)

Therapeutics Development for Autoimmune Orchitis

Immunomodulatory therapies are a cornerstone of autoimmune orchitis therapeutics. Corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs are commonly employed to dampen immune responses and reduce inflammation. These medications aim to alleviate symptoms, preserve testicular function, and improve fertility outcomes. Our expert team at our company employs a comprehensive understanding of these therapies to develop customized therapeutics development solutions.

In addition to conventional immunomodulatory therapies, our company is at the forefront of developing innovative approaches for autoimmune orchitis. We explore novel drug targets and therapeutic strategies that hold promise for improved outcomes. We offer a diverse range of therapeutic development platforms, each designed to address specific needs in the field of PID research. Feel free to explore the links below for more information on each platform.

Our Services

With an exceptional team of experts, our company offers a comprehensive solution for the development of autoimmune orchitis therapies. We pride ourselves on delivering world-class services and ensuring a seamless experience through our top-notch after-sales support.

To advance our understanding of autoimmune orchitis and facilitate therapeutic development, we employ robust animal models and in vitro systems. Our team has extensive experience in developing and characterizing animal models that closely mimic the pathogenesis and manifestations of autoimmune orchitis. These models provide valuable tools for our therapeutic development solutions.

EAO Models

Rodent models, particularly mice and rats, have been extensively utilized in autoimmune orchitis research. Experimental autoimmune orchitis (EAO) can be induced in mice and rats by injecting testis antigens in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) and/or pertussis toxin.

Transgenic Mouse Models

Transgenic mouse models expressing specific antigens, such as LDH3 and ZAN, enable us to investigate systemic tolerance to exposed meiotic germ-cell antigens. These models provide insights into the immune responses and tolerance mechanisms associated with autoimmune orchitis.

Xenograft Animal Models

Xenograft models involve transplanting human testicular tissue into immunodeficient animals, providing a unique platform to study human-specific immune responses and evaluate potential therapeutic interventions. By utilizing xenograft models, we can investigate the effects of specific therapeutics.

Infection-Associated Animal Models

Autoimmune orchitis may be relevant to the development and sequelae of infectious orchitis, where microbial antigens may cross-react with testis antigens via molecular mimicry or severe infection leading to an autoimmune response.

Cell-Based Models

Primary testicular cell culture we provide involves isolating and culturing testicular cells from animal models or human donors. Moreover, by combining different cell types, such as immune cells and testicular cells, in a controlled environment, we can study the cross-talk between these cells.

Organoid Models

Our company specializes in developing organoid models for autoimmune orchitis, which are generated by differentiating pluripotent stem cells into testicular cell types, such as Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells. These organoids can closely mimic the architecture and function of the testes.

By leveraging our expertise in immunology and drug discovery, we strive to bring forth new therapeutics that target specific immune pathways involved in autoimmune orchitis pathogenesis. In addition to the extensive array of services and models discussed earlier, our company excels in creating personalized solutions and designing disease models that are precisely tailored to your specific needs. We take immense pride in our capacity to adapt and customize our offerings to cater to the individual requirements of each client. If our comprehensive range of services has captured your interest, we wholeheartedly urge you to reach out to us without any hesitation.


  1. Amarilla María Sofía, et al. "Impaired Spermatogenesis in Infertile Patients with Orchitis and Experimental Autoimmune Orchitis in Rats." Biology 13.4 (2024): 278.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.