IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a complex autoimmune kidney disease. Our company is dedicated to providing professional therapy development solutions. Through our comprehensive range of services, we strive to accelerate the discovery and development of effective and safe therapies for IgAN.

Introduction to IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy, alternatively termed Berger's disease, is a chronic autoimmune renal condition distinguished by the accumulation of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the glomeruli of the kidneys. The presence of IgA deposits initiates an inflammatory cascade, culminating in kidney impairment and a gradual deterioration of renal function. Globally, IgAN represents one of the prevalent forms of glomerulonephritis, contributing substantially to the burden of kidney diseases.

The pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a complex phenomenon that continues to be the subject of ongoing research. It entails an intricate dysregulation of the immune system, specifically involving the production and clearance of IgA antibodies. Anomalies in IgA molecules result in the formation of immune complexes, which subsequently deposit in the glomeruli. This deposition triggers the activation of the complement system and attracts inflammatory cells to the site.

Schematic representation of the structure of Human IgA1.Fig.1 Structure of Human IgA1 and O-glycosylation of the IgA1 Hinge Region. (Rajasekaran A., et al., 2021)

Therapeutics Development for IgA Nephropathy

Currently, the therapeutics of IgAN focuses on supportive care and immunosuppressive therapies. The goal is to reduce proteinuria, slow the progression of kidney disease, and preserve renal function. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are commonly used to control blood pressure and reduce proteinuria. In addition, immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, calcineurin inhibitors, rituximab, mycophenolate mofetil, and hydroxychloroquine have shown some benefits in slowing disease progression and protecting the kidneys.

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in developing targeted therapies for IgAN. For example, our company is actively involved in the development of therapies targeting different aspects of IgAN pathogenesis, such as complement inhibition, B-cell maturation factors, and immune response regulators. If you would like to learn more about our solutions, please click on the links below.

Our Services

At our company, we are committed to advancing the field of IgAN therapeutics. We provide a one-stop service aimed at accelerating the discovery and development of new therapies for IgAN.

To expedite preclinical research and drug development efforts, our organization specializes in the creation of robust animal models and in vitro models specifically tailored for IgA nephropathy (IgAN). With our comprehensive disease model development services, we offer a comprehensive solution for IgAN therapy development, streamlining the process and empowering you to make significant advancements in the field.

Animal Models of IgA Nephropathy

  • Spontaneous ddY mouse
  • Gluten-immunized mouse
  • Vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol)-exposed mouse
  • High-IgA strain of ddY mouse (HIGA)
  • Uteroglobin antisense transgenic mouse
  • CD89-transgenic mouse
  • Mucosal immunization with Sendai virus
  • Human Bcl-2 transgenic mice
  • Human BAFF-transgenic mouse
  • β 1,4-Galactosyltransferase-Ideficient mouse
  • Grouped-ddY mouse
  • Passive mouse model of IgA nephropathy

In Vitro Models of IgA Nephropathy

Our highly skilled team possesses a wealth of expertise in establishing and characterizing disease models that faithfully replicate the pathophysiological features of IgAN. These meticulously crafted models enable precise and reliable preclinical research, facilitating the development of effective therapeutic interventions. If our comprehensive suite of services has sparked your interest, we wholeheartedly encourage you to connect with us without any hesitation.


  1. Rajasekaran Arun, Bruce A. Julian, and Dana V. Rizk. "IgA nephropathy: an interesting autoimmune kidney disease." The American journal of the medical sciences 361.2 (2021): 176-194.
  2. Floege Jürgen, Thomas Rauen, and Sydney CW Tang. "Current treatment of IgA nephropathy." Seminars in immunopathology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.