Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis (LN) is a severe manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) characterized by inflammation and damage to the kidneys. In the quest to develop effective drugs and therapies for LN, our company has been at the forefront of research and development. Our expertise lies in providing one-stop therapeutic development solutions.

Overview of Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis (LN) is a kidney disease that occurs as a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). SLE is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues, leading to inflammation and damage in various organs, including the kidneys. LN affects approximately 50% of cases with SLE, making it a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in this population.

The formation and deposition of immune complexes, consisting of autoantibodies and self-antigens, in the kidneys, play a central role in triggering inflammation and tissue damage. Activation of the complement system further contributes to the inflammatory cascade and the destruction of renal tissue. In addition to immune complex-mediated damage, inflammatory cytokines and other soluble mediators released by immune cells contribute to the pathogenesis of LN.

Schematic diagram of pathogenic targets for new therapeutic strategies for lupus nephritis.Fig.1 Pathogenetic targets of new therapeutic strategies for lupus nephritis. (Gasparotto M., et al., 2020)

Therapeutics Development for Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis represents a significant challenge in the field of autoimmune disease research. An increasing number of pharmaceutical companies are involved in the development of LN therapies. The following shows some of the ongoing and recently completed pipelines of new LN therapies.

Name of the trial Drug tested Therapeutic target The phase of the trial
AURA-LV Voclosporin T-cell II (completed)
AURORA III (completed)
AURORA 2 extension study III (completed)
CALIBRATE Rituximab + Belimumab CD20, BAFF II (completed)
NCT04221477 Obinutuzumab CD20 III
NCT02550652 II
TULIP-LN1 Anifrolumab IFN-I receptor II
NCT03943147 TYK2-inhibitor TYK2 II
SELUNE Secukinumab IL-17 III

Our Services

With a team of dedicated researchers and scientists, our company specializes in the development of new therapeutics for LN. We employ a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise in immunology, pharmacology, and preclinical research to advance therapeutics.

The establishment of robust animal models and in vitro models plays a pivotal role in unraveling disease mechanisms and assessing the effectiveness of potential therapeutic candidates. As a company with a wealth of experience in this field, we possess extensive expertise in the development and application of disease models that faithfully replicate the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis (LN).

Spontaneous Mouse Models

We provide services for the development of spontaneous mouse models. For instance, the New Zealand Black/New Zealand White (NZB/W) mouse model is widely used due to its genetic predisposition to autoimmune diseases. NZB/W mice develop glomerulonephritis and proteinuria, resembling human LN.

Gene Disruption Models

The disruption of the Fcgr2b gene in certain mouse strains leads to the development of SLE and LN, highlighting the significance of this gene in autoimmune diseases. Through our gene disruption model development services, we can assist researchers in unraveling the complex interplay between genes and LN pathogenesis.

Induced Nephritis Models

One commonly used approach is the intraperitoneal injection of pristane, which triggers the production of autoantibodies and the development of nephritis in susceptible mouse strains. Our Company offers induced nephritis model development services, allowing researchers to test the efficacy of potential therapeutics.

In Vitro Models

At our company, we offer state-of-the-art lupus nephritis in vitro model development services, including cell-based models and organoid models, empowering researchers to explore the intricate interactions between immune cells and renal cells, and to evaluate potential therapeutic interventions.

Our team of experts conducts in-depth pharmacological studies, including dose-response assessments, pharmacokinetic profiling, and toxicity evaluations. We employ state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies to generate robust preclinical data that can guide the selection and optimization of drug candidates for further development. If our comprehensive suite of services has sparked your interest, we wholeheartedly encourage you to connect with us without any hesitation.


  1. Gasparotto Michela, et al. "Lupus nephritis: clinical presentations and outcomes in the 21st century." Rheumatology 59.Supplement_5 (2020): v39-v51.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.